It is just something to get everyone past this little debt ceiling hurdle. They'll change things later to make it unimplementable. Everyone will have forgotten about it, kind of like Obama's debt commission from last year.
It is just something to get everyone past this little debt ceiling hurdle. They'll change things later to make it unimplementable. Everyone will have forgotten about it, kind of like Obama's debt commission from last year.
I smell Wall Street and Gordon Gekko running amok. It's time to put on those Che Guevara hats. The cigarrette smoking men behind Wall Street are raping the system and your Constitution in six ways to Sunday.
It's very simple to make things complicated, and it's very complicated to make things simple.
It's not perfect. But having Wall Street control is preferable to radical socialist control. At least Wall Street's motivation makes sense.
The sycophant men behind the curtains know that in order to fool the major public, they will only offer you two choices of the same evil. One side of the coin has a picture of a dictator without the beard and the other side has a portrait of Castro, but the facial hair doesen't really mean anything unless you're Tom Selleck.
It's very simple to make things complicated, and it's very complicated to make things simple.
I'd rather have a for profit insurance company run the death panel than some government yahoos.
I believe you guys have both now. These people don't live in the same mindset as majority of this planet. They're quite open about their intentions. They're smoking heavy duty Pol Pot. Very disturbed minds. They have no conscience and no moral obligations to the middle class or the poor.
It's very simple to make things complicated, and it's very complicated to make things simple.
My favorite argument is that we don't want to have too many people insured because we'll have a doctor shortage.
I also love the debt ceiling raise policy throughout the planet. 'Let's raise the debt ceiling roof for a few trillions more and worry about the consequences later.' Also the 'let's loan more money so we can pay the other loan' is one of my favorites. If Franz Kafka would be alive now, I think his fiction would be used as real life doctrines.
It's very simple to make things complicated, and it's very complicated to make things simple.