Is Neil the guy with the strange voice? He kind of reminds me of Sean Penn in Fast Times At Ridgemont High!! I don't know much about Rush. Aren't they Canucks? LOL
-- Edited by iBeaux at 16:54, 2008-04-30
If you mean is Neil the vocalist for the band, then no. He is the drummah.
I believe Dusty can answer about what country they are from.
Not to offend you guys who enjoy/worship Rush but....back in early 2000's when we had a riske` local radio station, back when Stern was on regular radio, and the station Manager was a big time Rush fan so they played them into the ground. I just couldn't get used to the singer's voice. It was oddly cosmic and after awhile begame a bit grating on the ears.
Maybe y'awl would like to recommend a song or two that might heal me of these bad memories...LOL
-- Edited by iBeaux at 21:09, 2008-05-01
There was a girl in grade 8 who dropped acid waiting to see the principal. She got off on the Necromancer while we fingered her one day after school. You might like to start with that one. She was very pretty like you.