OMG - I just love you Artie for sharing those pictures!! Of course they belong here. I saw them and almost cried. How sweet. Are they your bunnies? Ever since I got bitten by a bunnie when I was 4 I've been allergic. Can't have them as pets.
Caption for pic #2 - "Snap one more picture and we'll steal all the carrots from your garden!"
I found the second one on some band's myspace page. It does rock, as the rabbit is giving the picture taker the "Don't you have something better to do?" look.
What can I say, I'm such a c-unt you know!! That was my second paux pas,or should I say faux "paw" with Squid today!
Well I'm off to the backyard,where I will beat my own ass with a stick in Squids honor while I'm there. Perhaps I'll see some bunnies,if so they will not be white! I certainly hope someone is taking 90 minutes out of their weekend to watch the MOTW.
This one is kind of a dark piccie - Is that a bunny trying to swallow a dog?
The other bun on the left is whispering something to the fat bun on the right. Gossips about the salad dressing.
ROTFL - You know, I've been wondering why you've been talking about "buns" @ AMD. Where I come from "buns" are butt cheeks so I was awlllll cornfused!
Yeah, had to zoom in the piccie 200% to see there are two buns there, Sticky and Sesame Seed, and indeed they are discussing salad dressing....and....Carrot Top!